There a huge number of poets in the history of world.The poets in Urdu, Persian, English and Arabian. But now we talk about the first poet of urdu. who wrote a number of poems, divans and gazals. Who was also a popular singer and sufi.

Do you know about the first poet of urdu?
The first poet of urdu is “Amir Khusrau” (1253-1325).He is consider the first major poet of urdu who wrote number of poems, riddles, folk songs, gazals and qwalies. He also wrote the newly formed speech, then called Hindvi. He was also a persian poet and scholer associated with the rulers of “Delhi Sultanat”. The first gazal he wrote in urdu titled” Ze-Hal-E-Miskin”. He is aloso known as “the father of Qawwali”.
Background Information:
His birth name is “Ab’ul Hasan Yamin ud-din Khusrau”.He was born in “Patiyali,Delhi Saltanat” ( now in utter pradesh, India)on 1253.He wrote a lot of gazals, poems, also compose songs. He was also a musician sufi, singer, aurthor and scholer.
After the death of khusrau’s grandfather, Khurau’s joined the army of “malik chajju”,a nephew of the reigning “Sultan,Ghiyas ud-din balban”.This brought his poetry to the attention of the assembly of the royal court where he was honoured.
“Nasir ud-din Bughra Khan” the second son of Balban, was invited to listen to khusrau. He was impressed and become the patron of khurau in 1217.In 1277,when the “bughra khan” was the ruler of bengal, khusrau was invited to visit him in 1279.And also writing his second Divan called “Wast-Ul-Hayat” (The middle of life).When khusrau returned to Delhi the elder son of Bulban “Khan Muhammad” ( who was in multan) arrived in delhi. He heard about khurau and invited him to his court. Khusrau then accompained him to Multan in 1281.On this time the Multan was the gateway to india and the center of knowledge and learning. Carvans of scholars, trademan and emissaries transited through Multan from Baghdad, Arabia and Persia on thier way to Delhi. Khusrau wrote that:
“I tied the belt of service on my waist and put
on the cap of companionship for anoyher five
years. I imparted lustre to the water of Multan
from the ocean of my wits and pleasantries.”
“Jlal-Ud-Din Firuz khalji” appreciated the poetry and invited many poets and khusrau was honoured and repected in his court and given the title “Amir”.He was given the job of “Mushaf-Dar”.Court life made khusrau more focused on his literary works.
Popular Work:
“Amir Khusrau” was a persian poet and honoured by the title of first poet of “Urdu”.He was a sufi mystic who wrote a number of poetry but his popular work including;
Nuh Sipihr:
It is also known as “The Nine Heavens“,It’s one of the popular poem of khusrau in history of poems.
It is also known as “The Book Of Tughluq“.It is also a well-known poem of khusrau in history.
A quintet (khamsa) of five masnavis, including:
.Matla Ul-Anwar
Duval Rani:
A poem about the tragedy of the “princess Duval” marriage with the “Ala ud-Din Khalji’s” son “Khizar khan”.
Tuhfat us-Sighr:
This poem also known as “The gift of childhood”. It was the first Divan of khusrau which have the poems written in the age of 16 to 18.
Wast ul-Hayat:
It is the “second Divan of Khusrau”.And also known as “The moddle of life”.
Qiran us-Sa’dain:
This is the khusrau’s “first masnavi”.It is also known as the“Meeting Of The Two Auspicious Stars”.
Miftah ul-Futuh:
This is the “khusrau’s second masnavi” and also known as “Key to the Victories”.
“Khusrau” was also the court minister to “Allaudin Khulji”(1296A.D – 1316A.D).He is creadited with many contributions of “hindustani classical music” including;
The creation of Sitar and modification of the Pakhawaj onto the Tabla.
“Amir khusrau” was died in “october 1325”,after the six months of his sipritual master “Nizamuddin Aulliya”.Khusrau is buried next to “Nizamuddin Dargah” in Delhi. He is the only one who recived this honor.